Antonio Brown Still Wants To Play In NFL, League Releases Statement


Antonio Brown still hopes to play football, despite being released by the Patriots on Friday. His agent, Drew Rosenhaus, released the following statement:

“It’s unfortunate things didn’t work out with the Patriots,” Rosenhaus said. “But Antonio is healthy and is looking forward to his next opportunity in the NFL. He wants to play the game he loves and he hopes to play for another team soon.”

The league released the following statement regarding his status on Friday night:

”Antonio Brown was released today by the New England Patriots and is currently an unrestricted free agent. Our office is presently investigating multiple allegations, some of which are the subject of pending litigation. We have as yet made no findings regarding these issues. The investigation is ongoing and will be pursued vigorously and expeditiously.

As long as Mr. Brown is a free agent, placement on the Commissioner’s exempt list is not appropriate. If he is signed by a club, such placement may become appropriate at any time depending on the status of the investigation. Upon the conclusion of the investigation, he may also be subject to discipline if the investigation finds that he has violated the law or league policies.”



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